Partnerships to Accelerate the Global Energy Transition (PACT)Energy & Transport
Sustainable Palm Oil Production and Procurement Project on Climate Mitigation and Adaptation (SPOPP CLIMA)Agriculture & Food
Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains in ASEAN (ASEAN AgriTrade II)Agriculture & Food, Trade Facilitation
Introducing Measures, Pathways and Roadmaps for Optimizing Vehicle Efficiency and Electrification (IMPROVE) ProjectEnergy & Transport, Green Industry & Circular Economy
SFF ASEAN: Piloting Sustainable Uses of Rice Straw ProjectAgriculture & Food
The Collaborative Actions for Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia (CAP SEA) – Thailand ComponentGreen Industry & Circular Economy
Nitric Acid Climate Action Group (NACAG): Mitigating Nitrous Oxide Emissions in ThailandGreen Industry & Circular Economy
Innovative Climate Risk Financing for the Agricultural Sector in the ASEAN Region (Agri-Climate Risk Financing)Agriculture & Food, Climate Policy
Inclusive Sustainable Rice Landscapes in Thailand (ISRL)Agriculture & Food
Marine Litter Prevention through reduction, sustainable design, and recycling of plastic packaging (MA-RE-DESIGN)Green Industry & Circular Economy, Natural Resources & Biodiversity
ASEAN Municipal Solid Waste Management Enhancement (AMUSE)Green Industry & Circular Economy, Natural Resources & Biodiversity
Climate, Coastal, and Marine Biodiversity (CCMB)Climate Policy, Natural Resources & Biodiversity
Just Energy Transition in Coal Regions - Inter-regional Platform (JET-CR Platform)Energy & Transport
Urban-Act: Integrated Urban Climate Action for Low-Carbon & Resilient Cities ProjectSustainable cities
Thai-German Cooperation on Energy, Mobility and Climate (TGC EMC)Climate Policy, Energy & Transport, Green Industry & Circular Economy, Sustainable cities
Transforming livelihoods and climate resilience of smallholder coffee producers through the adoption of regenerative agriculture production systems (Coffee++) ProjectAgriculture & Food
Developing community capacities for solar powered irrigation and sustainable farming as well as access to high-quality drinking water in Thailand (Shell Water) - ThailandAgriculture & Food
Enhancing Climate Resilience in Thailand through Effective Water Management and Sustainable Agriculture (E-WMSA)Natural Resources & Biodiversity
Strengthening Regional Structures for SME Promotion in ASEAN (ASEAN SME II)Green Industry & Circular Economy
Sustainable Palm Oil Production and Procurement (SPOPP)Agriculture & Food
ASEAN SME Policy IndexGreen Industry & Circular Economy, Trade Facilitation
Integrated Approaches for Air Quality Management & Climate Change in Southeast Asia – Preparation of a regional approachNatural Resources & Biodiversity
Strengthening ASEAN Resilience through Capacity Building of Core Competencies in Public Health Emergency (PHE) ProjectHealth
International Hydrogen Ramp-Up Programme “H2Uppp“Energy & Transport
Scaling Sustainable Consumption and Production (Scaling SCP): Ecolabelling and Sustainable Public Procurement for a Low-Carbon Pathway in South-East AsiaGreen Industry & Circular Economy
Green Cooling Initiative (GCI) III Project in Thailand and AsiaEnergy & Transport, Green Industry & Circular Economy
Regional Cooperation for the Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (RECOTVET III)Green Industry & Circular Economy, Trade Facilitation
Sustainable Design of Urban mobility in Medium-Sized Metropolitan Regions (SMMR)Energy & Transport, Sustainable cities
Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE)Energy & Transport
Proliferation of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in Asia – the Next 5 Countries (SCP Outreach)Green Industry & Circular Economy
Thai Rice NAMA (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action)Agriculture & Food
Global Partnership on Drug Policies and Development (GPDPD)Health