Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains in ASEAN (ASEAN AgriTrade II)
SFF ASEAN: Piloting Sustainable Uses of Rice Straw Project
Innovative Climate Risk Financing for the Agricultural Sector in the ASEAN Region (Agri-Climate Risk Financing)
Inclusive Sustainable Rice Landscapes in Thailand (ISRL)
Thai-German Cooperation on Energy, Mobility and Climate (TGC EMC)
Transforming livelihoods and climate resilience of smallholder coffee producers through the adoption of regenerative agriculture production systems (Coffee++) Project
Developing community capacities for solar powered irrigation and sustainable farming as well as access to high-quality drinking water in Thailand (Shell Water) - Thailand
Sustainable Palm Oil Production and Procurement (SPOPP)
Mainstreaming Sustainable Rice through the Sustainable Rice Platform Project
Regenerative Coconuts Agriculture Project (ReCAP)
Promotion of Competitiveness for ASEAN Integration (COMPETE)
Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains in ASEAN (ASEAN AgriTrade)
Market Oriented Smallholder Value Chains (MSVC)
Better Rice Initiative Asia - Promotion of Integrated Pest Management in Thailand (BRIA-IPM-Thailand)
Sustainable Aromatic Rice Initiative (SARI) – Thailand
Thai Rice NAMA (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action)