Introducing Measures, Pathways and Roadmaps for Optimizing Vehicle Efficiency and Electrification (IMPROVE) Project
The Collaborative Actions for Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia (CAP SEA) – Thailand Component
Nitric Acid Climate Action Group (NACAG): Mitigating Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Thailand
Marine Litter Prevention through reduction, sustainable design, and recycling of plastic packaging (MA-RE-DESIGN)
ASEAN Municipal Solid Waste Management Enhancement (AMUSE)
Thai-German Cooperation on Energy, Mobility and Climate (TGC EMC)
Strengthening Regional Structures for SME Promotion in ASEAN (ASEAN SME II)
ASEAN SME Policy Index
Scaling Sustainable Consumption and Production (Scaling SCP): Ecolabelling and Sustainable Public Procurement for a Low-Carbon Pathway in South-East Asia
Green Cooling Initiative (GCI) III Project in Thailand and Asia
Regional Cooperation for the Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (RECOTVET III)
Proliferation of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in Asia – the Next 5 Countries (SCP Outreach)