During 13th-15th October 2015, the GIZ Connecting Climate Action (CCA) team and the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy Planning (ONEP) jointly convened over 20 government officials from a broad range of line ministries to join the National Adaptation Planning (NAP) training, which was organised as part of the of the “Risk-based National Adaptation Plan” (Risk-NAP) project led under the collaboration of ONEP and GIZ.
The training was facilitated by one GIZ expert and two international consultants from Acclimatise, a British Consulting firm specialised in climate change adaptation.
During this 3-day workshop, participants were introduced to the overall NAP process and to the various steps to be undertaken for integrating and mainstreaming adaptation in their respective sectors.
Various exercises were coupled to more theoretical inputs such as to identify key national stakeholders for the NAP process as well as potential gaps and barriers in mobilising adequate attention, knowledge and resources for the development and implementation of a National Adaptation Plan (NAP).
The next step will be a Stocktaking for National Adaptation Planning (SNAP) training (23rd-24th Nov), which will gather an even broader range of participants (including civil society, research institutes and the private sector) for assessing current capabilities and needs as well as identifying potential entry points for integrating adaptation into development planning. The outcome of the SNAP workshop will be a draft roadmap for initiating the NAP process.
Documents for download:
- Agenda
- NAP Training presentations
- NAP Global Network (NGN)
- Climate change vulnerability assessment process
- UNDP Integrating Agriculture into NAP