GIZ and the Thai Ministry of Energy (MoEn) jointly organised the 1st “Thai-German Renewable Energy Community Conference” (CBRE) in October 2015 in Bangkok. The conference was the first of a series of annual events on renewable energy projects of communities in the context of the Project Development Programme (PDP) of GIZ.
The event took place on the 8th of February 2018 and was designed in a way to maximise the exchange of communities, renewable energy (RE) companies and international experts in order to evaluate latest models and technologies for RE on community level in an interactive way.
Goals of the Forum
1. Create and maintain a large and unique network of communities in the RE sector of Thailand;
2. Discussion and evaluation on latest models and concepts for community-based RE approaches with the communities;
3. Present latest technology solutions for RE in communities.
4. Support to implement Thai-German community projects.
Target Groups of the Forum
1. Thai community representatives or local citizens and different commercial sectors who are interested in developing their own RE project together with Thai and German private sector partners.
2. Thai and German technology suppliers, investors and project developers who understand the particular challenges of community projects and intend to develop Thai-German renewable energy communities.
3. Thai public officials involved in the regulation of decentralised energy development (Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO), Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), Public-Private Partnership (PPP), Provincial Energy Officers; national and regional level).
4. Media representatives interested in deepening their understanding of the topic.
Conference Concept and Programme
Conference Concept (EN / TH)
Conference Programme (EN / TH)
Working Groups
Working Group 1: Solar Rooftop Systems
Company introduction: BayWa r.e. / German Asean Power
Working Group 2: Renewable Energy Hybrid Grid Systems
RE Hybrid Grid Systems for Thai Islands – Feasibility & Business Models (EN)
Working Group 3: Solar Water Pumping
Solar Water Pumping Showcase Projects (TH)
A. PV Implementation Guidelines: Step-by-step in Solar PV Project Development (EN &TH)
B. Centre Piece of Renewable Energy Hybrid Systems: The interaction of components and how they influence each other! (EN / TH)
C. Solar and Pumps: The match is important! (EN / TH)
D. Make My Battery Run! Operation and Maintenance (EN / TH)
Selected pictures from the conference here