Following the success of the Regional Workshop on Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a tool for Sustainable Public Procurement in Putrajaya, Malaysia during 8th – 9th October 2013, the Pollution Control Department (PCD), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand and the German International Cooperation (GIZ) in collaboration with the European Union and the Ministry of Environment of Indonesia organized a Regional Workshop on Development of Technical Specification for Public Tendering at Morrissey Serviced Apartment, Jakarta INDONESIA at Lecture Room 1 & 2.
Since the concept of sustainable public procurement has been introduced and is being implemented in government agencies in the ASEAN region, it is important to share information and especially to learn from each other to generate mutual understanding of the technical process of developing climate relevant criteria for purchasing green products and services.
The workshop had the following objectives:
- To share the experiences of all participating countries in the field of GPP.
- To learn about the developing process of technical specification and verification mechanism for 2 selected product groups.
A total of 53 participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand attended the workshop. The respective countries all have introduced GPP in their Governments but are at different stages of implementation, therefore the workshop was a good opportunity to share knowledge and advance the expertise of all representatives.
The workshop was structured around technical input from experts, individual group work and discussion among the participants. The focal point in this process was the climate-relevance of the criteria.
There was strong interest in a more detailed training exclusively for trainers who in future can function as special facilitators for GPP in their countries. A training workshop is tentatively planned for October 2014.
The presentations are available to be downloaded as below.