
Celebrating 50 years of Thai-German Dairy project
Celebrating 50 years of Thai-German Dairy project
The Thai-German Dairy project has celebrated its 50th anniversary in Chiangmai, northern Thailand. The two...
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Final Planning Workshop 2016
Under the Thai-German Programme on Energy Efficiency Development Plan or TGP-EEDP, the GIZ (German International...
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RIICE Workshop Discusses the Implementation of a Satellite-Supported Area Yield Index Insurance Pilot in Thailand
RIICE Workshop Discusses the Implementation of a Satellite-Supported Area Yield Index Insurance Pilot in Thailand
The Government of Thailand is providing protection to its rice farming constituency through the Government...
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Feasibility Study for Proposed Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Measures - Lum Pha Chi Sub-River Basin
ESCO Training “Dynamic Investment Grade Calculation”
ESCO Training “Dynamic Investment Grade Calculation”
To support the ESCO market development, so far TGP-EEDP had supported an 8-day intensive training...
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When will you stop? Or the world will end!
Experts in sustainable agriculture development urge for a change in agrifood system production.
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Seminar on Energy Efficiency Resource Standards (EERS) “EERS Experiences Abroad and the Utility Perspective”
On Thursday 17 December 2015, TGP-EEDP in cooperation with Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO),...
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Training on Integration of Climate Change Aspects for Provincial and Municipal Development Planning: Step 3 – Development of Approach/Plan
Mainstreaming Gender Issue into NAP Process
Stocktaking of National Adaptation Planning (SNAP) Workshop Nov 23rd-24th 2015