Background Information:
- ONEP as Thailand’s NAMA Focal Point
The role of the Thai NAMA Focal point is to foster mitigation actions by coordinating and supporting the implementation of unilateral and supported NAMAs, thereby contributing to Thailand’s aim of moving towards a Low Carbon Society. Thailand’s NAMA roadmap, which was adopted by the National Climate Change Committee and presented during COP 20 presented by the Minister of Environment, provides for the implementation of NAMAs, particularly in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy and transportation in order to achieve the target to reduce GHG emission in the range of 7-20% below the Business as Usual (BAU) in 2020.
- TGP-EEDP: Under Thai- German Programme on Energy Efficiency Development Plan (TGP-EEDP) GIZ cooperates with the Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) to contribute to the further development and support the implementation of Thailand’s Energy Efficiency Plan, financed by the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety. The 3-year project has officially started in May 2012 and will run until mid-2016. Project partners of TGP-EEDP include the Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO), the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) Ministry of Energy and the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO).
- Mitigation Momentum: Mitigation Momentum is a project which is funded by the German government to support the development of concrete NAMAs proposals in a range of partner countries, and foster cooperation and knowledge exchange within the international NAMA community. This project “Mitigation Momentum” has successfully supported NAMA development in Chile, Kenya, Indonesia, Peru and Tunisia since 2012 and started working in Thailand in 2014, which has been implemented mainly by the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), since 2014.
- Energy Efficiency (EE)- NAMA development for Thailand
The TGP-EEDP project aims at promoting the increase of energy efficiency in industry and building sectors by supporting the implementation of the EEP plan which will have a direct impact on CO2emission reduction. One of four work-packages is integrating energy efficiency policy into climate scheme by supporting the development of the proposal for “National Appropriate Mitigation Action or NAMA”. In particular, the Mitigation Momentum on behalf of ECN in close collaboration with TGP-EEDP have encouraged Thailand in bringing forward the mitigation activities through NAMAs and supported partners with the development of NAMA proposals as well as financing and implementation strategies. ONEP as the national NAMA focal point in Thailand will host this validation meeting on 5 November 2015 at room 401, 4th FL at ONEP with close collaboration with TGP-EEDP and Mitigation Momentum on behalf of ECN.
Objectives of the roundtable workshop:
- To present the draft ESCO-NAMA proposal and collect feedback on the technical and financial components in order to verify this draft proposal
- To identify potential cooperative structure of the draft ESCO-NAMA proposal as well as the next steps for further proceedings and development
Expected outputs & results:
- Validation of the technical and financial components of the ESCO-NAMA proposal
- Identified next steps after the proposal is finalise and agreed as well as the support needed from key stakeholders
Documents for Download:
1. Agenda
2. Energy Efficiency ESCO NAMA – Overview
3. Energy Efficiency ESCO NAMA – Financial Component