Changing patterns of climate are posing a serious threat to our environments, economies, societies, individual well-being and health at various levels and degrees across the globe. Thailand is no exception. In order to protect these in a long run and adapt the way we live so we can lead healthy and sustainable lives, many countries have been prompted to establish political instruments.
The Office of National Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) is in the process of developing the draft of Thailand’s Climate Change Act according to Thailand’s National Reform Committee under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand BE 2560. The aim is to increase the efficiency of climate actions in Thailand across environmental, economic, social, safety and health dimensions, put in place long-term adaptation to climate change as well as promote sustainable development.
GIZ has supported ONEP since 2018 in the inception stage of the formulation of Thailand’s Climate Change Act through data analysis and exchanges of experience. The support includes stocktaking and assessing the linkages and gaps in existing and related legislations, a review of international experiences in climate change legislation, possible different economic mechanisms as well as an in-depth technical study of data for the development of the climate change act.
ONEP is now in the process of drafting the act for the public hearing process to fulfill the requirements of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand BE 2560. The public hearing will be held via an online platform as well as through public hearings in every region. The final draft is expected to be submitted to the Cabinet by December 2020.