Thai-German Agricultural Engineering Training Center
1965 – 1979
The Thai-German Agricultural Engineering Training Center was established in 1965 in Phathumthani to enhance knowledge on agricultural technology. At the beginning, the Center was built and provided farm equipment for training. During 1969 – 1971, 4 German experts were dispatched to providing trainings on Agricultural Engineering. The Center offered courses in Tertiary Vocational Level (Por Wor Sor) to students in Agricultural Mechanism of College of Agriculture, Pathumthaini. In 1970, the Center started to offer a 2 – year study program in Tertiary Vocational Level (Por Wor Sor) for students graduated Lower Vocational Level (Por Wor Chor) from College of Agriculture, Pathumthaini. In 1976, there were 158 graduates from the Center.
Nowadays, the Agricultural Engineering Training Center in Pathumthani provides study programmes in 3 fields, which are Farm Mechanism (Agriculture Mechanism), Landscape Technology and Business Computer. In addition, it has enhanced target groups to government officers, foreigners, students from other colleges, and farmers by providing short-term courses, seminars and academic researches. It advices other colleges in land preparation for agricultural activities and irrigation.