Environment Fund prepares to set up the Thai Climate Initiative (ThaiCI)
The Environment Fund Division (EFD) of the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) collaborated with GIZ to organise the first consultation workshop to identify thematic areas where the Thai Climate Initiative (ThaiCI) could provide financial support in the next five years.
Mr. Jiravat Ratisoontorn, Deputy Secretary General of ONEP, said: “ThaiCI aims to stimulate efforts towards implementing Thailand’s climate change policy and achieving the set targets – including the second updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and the revised Thailand’s Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS), as well as Thailand’s National Adaptation Plan. It is meant to be the first climate-specific funding line to support on-ground climate actions.”
The ThaiCI aims to enhance climate mitigation and adaptation actions as well as capacity strengthening at the sub-national level such as for government agencies, local organisations, state enterprises, NGOs, civil society organisations, and the private sectors.
Around 100 participants provided inputs on Mitigation and Adaptation implementation gaps as well as potential thematic topics for ThaiCI’s Calls for Proposals. The Environment Fund, GIZ and the consultants, Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) and the Creagy Co., Ltd, will propose the first draft of ThaiCI’s thematic funding directions to the public in the second workshop in May 2023. The thematic topics for ThaiCI’s Calls for Proposals is expected to be finalised within June 2023.
Chayamas Wichaidist
Project Officer, ThaiCI project