October 1990 – Septembe 2000
The Thai-German “Urban Environment Management Project” aimed at enabling relevant institutions to use appropriate instruments for environmentally sound urban development.
To this end the project worked together with the municipalities, but also local NGOs, CBOs and self-help-groups in 5 partner towns (Sri Racha, Kanchanaburi, Kaeng Khoi, Chumphon, Lamphun).
The project succeeded in fostering cooperation of these groups and building a rising awareness of environmental issues. 18 small-scale demonstration projects were implemented and documented in the different partner towns in the course of the project. Furthermore – in addition to training measures, the development of training curricula and the production and publication of brochures – a guide for environmental action planning “The Workshop Approach – Concepts, Strategies and Implementation” was written in both Thai and English and distributed by the Department of Local Administration to all (1,129) Thai municipalities.