One of the seven core activities in the TGP-EEDP project focuses on supporting and enhancing ESCO business, and increasing the utilization of the network of energy service companies or ESCOs. The development of an ESCO market in Thailand is currently affected by many market barriers for ESCOs, e.g. lack of information and low understanding of the EPC concept, level of energy prices, access to financing and business risk for ESCOs. One of supporting activities is to introduce project facilitators (e.g. specialized consulting companies, energy agencies and/or ESCO associations) as a mean to help overcoming barriers in the initial project development phase (according to an overview report from The Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (01/2014).
On Tuesday, 24th June 2014, TGP-EEDP on behalf of EPPO and GIZ is organising a Seminar on “Facilitation Approach for ESCO Projects “, co-hosted by our main implementing couterparts, TGO and DEDE, with the following objectives:
- To introduce the facilitation concept to the Thai stakeholders.
- To exchange information on ESCO business development and its challenges in Thailand
- To discuss about the feasibility of the facilitation scheme for ESCO projects in Thailand
- To plan preliminary steps of work in order to initiate and develop the facilitation approach for ESCO projects in Thailand
Documents to be downloaded: