Under the Thai- German Programme on Energy Efficiency Development Plan or TGP-EEDP, GIZ has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to contribute to the further development of the 20-year Energy Efficiency Development Plan (EEDP, 2011-2030) and to support the actions and to assist the implementation. The 3-year project has officially started in May 2012 and will run until April 2015. Project partners of TGP-EEDP include the Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO), the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) and the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO). The TGP-EEDP Project aims at promoting the increase of energy efficiency in industry and building sectors by supporting the implementation of the EEDP plan which will have a direct impact on CO2 emission reduction.
On 25th November 2014 at the Sukosol Hotel, the project will organize the capacity building and training on the topic of “Monitoring and Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Policies” in order to achieve the following objectives:
- To enhance knowledge and understanding about “monitoring and evaluation of Energy Efficiency Policy”, its implication and methodology differences
- To emphasize the importance and challenges of “monitoring and evaluation of Energy Efficiency Policy”, especially in order to achieve the national target of EEDP
- To share and exchange knowledge on the existing M&E tools or approaches in Thailand
- To introduce international practices of “monitoring and evaluation of Energy Efficiency Policy” (e.g. in Germany or other countries in Europe)

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