Prasat Neurological Hospital
1965 – 1968
In the 1960s the Prasat Neurological Hospital constituted the central neurological hospital of Thailand .
Within the framework of Thai-German Technical Cooperation the hospital was promoted by the installation and equipping of a central diagnostic laboratory for the fields of clinical chemistry, microscopy, biochemistry, bacteriology and blood group serology. Training of laboratory personnel with regards to the operation of the procured appliances formed a vital part of the work of Dr. med. Lothar Hallmann, the German advisor working for this project.
The project’s activities bore fruit: At the end of the project’s time frame the central diagnostic laboratory at Prasat Neurological Hospital enjoyed a very good reputation due to the excellent equipment and professional training of its staff. This also expressed itself by the rapidly increasing number of assignments it received: During the last six months of German assistance alone the materials submitted for investigation/analysis to the laboratory increased tenfold.