Thai-German Institute (TGI)
May 1993 – December 2004
The Thai-German Institute was founded as a joint initiative of the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Government of the Federal Republic of German in 1992. The aim was to establish an effective training center for transferring advanced manufacturing technology to the Thai industry. To stress its oriented-ness towards the industry, the TGI was set up as an autonomous body outside the formal education system with its operation under the supervision of the Foundation for Industrial Development and a broad oversight by the Ministry of Industry. After the Thai Cabinet approved the establishment of TGI in September 1992, the Thai-German Institute started its official operation in 1995 and by 1998 the first training course began.
The TGI offers short courses for further training of employees as well as specialized job-entry training according to companies’ needs. Additionally its services include ‘tailor-made training’ for companies and further training for vocational school teachers as well as advisory services in technology and training, joint projects, high-tech product promotion and machine time sharing, etc. The TGI’s technological profile includes industrial automation technology, process control, industrial electronics, programming and operation of Cumputer Numerical Control machines, applications of Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing, and Tool/Die/Mould making.
Until today the TGI has developed to become a dynamic, efficient, institution enjoying good reputation both with its public and private clients.