May 2004 – December 2011
This technical cooperation programme was coordinated by the Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA) on the Thai side and on the German side by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with GIZ (former GTZ) as the main German implementing organization. The programme has
been focused on enterprise competitiveness with a particular emphasis on promoting small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the agricultural industry by using a market development approach. The targeted sectors were palm oil, shrimp, tapioca, fruit and vegetables and mulberry (saa) paper plus energy as main crosscutting sector.
The program consists of projects and activities to improve the competitiveness and eco-efficiency of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Thailand. The integrated program approach provides greater efficiency, higher visible impacts and has greater structural effectiveness on the political and socio-economic level. The program also provides foundations for Public Private Partnerships (PPP), integrated CIM-experts (see section about CIM) and improved networks. It focuses on the following areas:
1. Policy and framework conditions: The aim was to strengthen the competitiveness on the policy framework and intermediary levels. For example, this included institutional strengthening in business associations or advice on regional innovation strategies.
2. Quality infrastructure: Standards and certifications were important to enhance exports. Therefore, this program supported the Thai accreditation system for compliance with internationally recognized standards, e.g. based on GlobalGAP and organic certifications.
3. Innovation, technology, eco-efficiency: The focus was to promote the energy- and resource-efficiency and the utilization of renewable energy in agro industrial SMEs, e.g. the introduction of ecological products like bio-plastics.
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