On 21 May 2020, representatives of the Thai Meteorological Department (TMD), the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) and GIZ met to hold a policy dialogue to enhance climate information service for the adaptation planning process at TMD. The meeting was led by Mr. Thanasith Iamananchai and Ms. Sugunyanee Yavinchan, the Deputy Director Generals of the TMD, Dr. Phirun Saiyasitpanich, Deputy Secretary General of ONEP, Mr. Heinrich Gudenus and Dr. Angkana Chalermpong from GIZ.
The dialogue aims to strengthen the climate cooperation between two key agencies. The two share a common vision for science-based climate information that helps decision makers to incorporate climate risk aspects into their regular planning and goals such as enhancing food security, building resilient cities to reduce disaster loss and damage, flood and drought risk management, etc.
The high- level officials also shared roles in and benefits arising from this cooperation, which include capacity building for technical staff, a process for stakeholder engagement to co-design climate products, as well as technical support provided by GIZ.
Another aim is to identify guidelines for cooperation and preparation of climate information services, assessing the risks of climate change including establishing cooperation and academic support as well as capacity development in order to be ready to cope with climate change in the future.
“The ONEP is a national focal point for climate change coordination and the setting of policies and plans for both mitigation and adaptation including creating financing mechanisms to support the implementation while the TMD is mandated and has considerable expertise in climate data. We would therefore like to work with TMD to enrich that climate data service to better meet the needs of policy makers in different sectors. The aim of this cooperation on climate information service is to strengthen the linkage between the projected climate change risks and the preparation efforts,” said Dr. Phirun Saiyasitpanich.
“I am very pleased to take a further step in the collaboration between ONEP, the policy maker, and our agency, which supports climate data. This will create powerful benefits for Thailand as well as the Thai people. Being able to fully utilise the data we have will help us to prepare appropriate measures as well as develop technology that fits the local context. Moreover, the technical support from GIZ will extend the benefits for Thailand,” Mr. Thanasith Iamananchai added.
“The climate services are very important for decision making and to prepare the country for longer term impacts by taking actions swiftly,” said Mr. Heinrich Gudenus. “GIZ will also provide support in identifying opportunities and facilitate exchanges of knowledge and capacity building to help create readiness to work on climate change-related aspects in the future.”
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between TMD and ONEP will be drawn up following the policy dialogue along with a 7-year workplan for the implementation of the cooperation. The expected outcomes of the MOU and workplan are to enhance climate resilience and to support in achieving national strategies and the Sustainable Development Goals.