H2Uppp joins training workshop to share hydrogen knowledge with Thailand’s OTP

On 25 July 2023, the International Hydrogen Ramp-Up “H2Uppp” programme in Thailand participated in a training workshop hosted by the Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP), Ministry of Transport of Thailand, to share knowledge on hydrogen as an alternative solution for a sustainable future. In addition, the workshop aimed to support Thailand’s policymaking process and the adoption of renewable energy in the transport sector, contributing to the country’s carbon neutrality target.

The deputy director-general of OTP, Mr Surapong Meantmitr, opened the workshop and gave the floor to H2Uppp advisors to provide participants with an introduction to the programme and speak about hydrogen and Power-to-X (PtX). Specialists from the National Energy Technology Centre (ENTEC) then gave presentations, offering insights into the potential of hydrogen and its derivative in the transport sector, along with the possibilities of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

Financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the H2Uppp programme is being implemented in Thailand by GIZ. H2Uppp aims to support the market development for green hydrogen and its derivatives through technical and regulatory studies, trainings, and the identification and initiation of public-private partnerships (PPP) projects, as well as the promotion and dissemination of knowledge by connecting local and international H2 specialists, in particular, vis-à-vis the German private sector.
Tim Nees
Project manager