NAMA is a voluntary measure for mitigating GHG emissions, which was firstly introduced in the Bali Action Plan in 2007 as a key mechanism to increase mitigation action in developing countries. After that in 2010, the Cancun Agreements recognized two types of NAMAs—those developed with domestic resources (unilateral NAMAs) and those requesting international support in the form of financing, technology transfer or capacity building (supported NAMAs). However, as no internationally agreed definition for NAMAs exists yet, NAMA activities are generally not limited as long as they are in line with national development plans and result in the mitigation of GHG emissions.
On Monday 26th August 2013, the TGP-EEDP project organised an workshop on NAMA: Conceptual Framework and Developement, co-hosted by EPPO, TGO and GIZ. The main objectives of the workshop are to introduce a general understanding of NAMA concept, to highlight its importance in the policy framework of GHG mitigations in Thailand as well as to transfer knowledge and experiences about NAMA development from orther countries.
The agenda and workshop presentations are available as below.