The Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) under the Ministry of Energy together with GIZ organized a workshop to review an action plan on energy efficiency for freight transport on 12 September 2017 at The Eastin Grand Hotel Sathorn, Bangkok. There were participants from the government, the private sector and academic institutes, namely the Department of Land Transport, the Department of Skill Development, the Transport and Traffic Policy Plan Office, ASEAN Trucking Federation, the Land Transport Federation of Thailand, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Isuzu Motors Ltd., and Hino Motors (Thailand) Ltd.
The objective of this brainstorming workshop was to draft an activity plan under the 5-year Energy Efficiency Development Plan for Transport Sector covering 3 activities as follows: 1) the Development of eco-driving curriculum and training course for 5,000 truck drivers, 2) the Development of a Monitoring and Evaluation system of fuel efficiency use in the transport sector and 3) the implementation of energy efficiency standardization of various technologies in the trucking industry. The results of the workshop will be used as a framework for joint activities in the next 1.5 years to benefit Thailand’s transport sector.
All pictures taken during the workshop can be downloaded here.