About the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Since 2008, the German Federal Government has supported international climate and biodiversity action through the International Climate Initiative (IKI). Thailand is one of IKI’s focus countries. Today, the IKI plays a pivotal role in advancing climate action and biodiversity protection in Thailand.
Learn more about the IKI in Thailand by subscribing to our newsletter HERE: Please select ‘Project and Programme Newsletter” scroll down to select “IKI Thailand”. Fill in your email address and click ‘Submit’, and verify your email from the link in the inbox.
If you have any questions on the IKI in Thailand, please contact: IKI-Thailand@giz.de
To report any wrongdoing of IKI projects, please use the independent IKI Complaint Mechanism: Independent Complaint Mechanism | Internationale Klimaschutzinitiative (IKI)