IKI Thailand Cooperation Workshop 2024 Fosters Dialogue and Synergy for Climate and Biodiversity Policy and Practices
(From left) Dr Timo Menniken, GIZ Thailand Country Director, Dr Angkana Chalermpong, Programme Director of Climate, Coastal, and Marine Biodiversity (CCMB), GIZ Thailand, Achim Daschkeit, Deputy Head of the Adaptation Team of the German Environmental Agency (UBA), Dr Phirun Saiyasitpanich, Director-General of the Department of Climate Change and Environment, Prasert Sirinapaporn, Secretary-General of the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), Dr Ulf Jaeckel, Head of European and International Adaptation to Climate Change Division of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), Juliane Reiber, Project Manager from Zukunft-Umwelt-Gesellschaft (ZUG), Johannes Kerner, Counsellor for Economic Affairs, German Embassy Bangkok, and joining online, Dr Philipp Behrens, Head of Division, International Climate Initiative (IKI) at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
Bangkok, 10 September 2024 – The annual IKI Thailand Cooperation Workshop, the Climate, Coastal and Marine Biodiversity (CCMB) project, implemented by GIZ Thailand and also known as the IKI Interface Project, brought together IKI implementers and key policy stakeholders to strengthen climate and biodiversity action in Thailand.
The workshop aimed to facilitate knowledge exchange, foster synergies among IKI-funded projects, and strengthen policy dialogue on climate and biodiversity. Over 90 representatives from IKI-funded projects and policy stakeholders participated in the event.
High-level representatives from Germany and Thailand attended the event, including Dr Philipp Behrens, Head of Division, International Climate Initiative (IKI) at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Dr Ulf Jaeckel, Head of European and International Adaptation to Climate Change Division of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), Hans-Ulrich Südbeck, Deputy Chief of Mission, German Embassy Bangkok, Dr Phirun Saiyasitpanich, Director-General of the Department of Climate Change and Environment (DCCE), Prasert Sirinapaporn, Secretary-General of the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), Dr Timo Menniken, Country Director, GIZ Thailand, and Dr Angkana Chalermpong, IKI Thailand Interface and CCMB Programme Director, GIZ Thailand.
Dr Timo Menniken, Country Director for GIZ Thailand welcomed participants and gave the opening remarks.
The interactive format of the workshop allowed the IKI community and policymakers to delve deep into the complexities of climate and biodiversity policy and implementation. The morning session focused on project highlights, with IKI implementing organisations sharing their work, challenges and lessons learned. Key topics included pathways to Thailand’s NDC 3.0, nature-based solutions, gender mainstreaming, and project implementation in a consortium.
IKI Thailand Interface mandates presented by Tamara Kern, IKI Thailand Interface Focal Point
IKI Presentation by Juliane Reiber, Programme Manager, ZUG (IKI Office)
NDC 3.0 Project Mapping by Thawatchai Saengkhamsuk and Natchaya Pichetsatha from the CCMB Project
The afternoon session featured a policy panel where IKI political partners from Thailand and Germany shared updates on the latest developments in IKI and national climate and biodiversity policies, including progress on the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) 3.0, National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), and National Adaptation Plan (NAP).
Dr Philipp Behrens from BMWK addressed the audience in a keynote address
Dr Phirun Saiyasitpanich emphasised how the IKI has been an important international support instrument for Thailand. Over the past 15 years, the IKI-supported projects and Germany have contributed to many important milestones of the Thai climate agenda – both at the policy and implementation level – and in various fields such as energy transition, decarbonising industries, smart agriculture, adaptation, as well as biodiversity conservation. The bilateral cooperation modality is substantial as it aims to support sectoral mainstreaming of climate targets, leading to sectoral policy alignment and move forward implementation.
Dr Phirun Saiyasitpanich delivered a keynote speech on Thailand’s climate policy.
Policy Panel (from left) Dr Ulf Jaeckel from BMUV, Dr Phirun Saiyasitpanich from DCCE, Prasert Sirinapaporn from ONEP, who joined online, and Dr Philipp Behrens from BMWK, moderated by Pimkarn Kattiyavong, Project Manager, CCMB Project.
A subsequent “fishbowl session” provided a platform for IKI implementers and political partners to engage in an open dialogue on translating policies into action. Participants shared best practices, and challenges, and sought feedback to inform policy development and implementation. This facilitated a robust exchange of ideas and bridged the gap between policy and practice.
Fishbowl Session moderated by Julian Tost, Project Director, GIZ Thailand
Closing remarks by Hans-Ulrich Südbeck, Deputy Chief of Mission, German Embassy Bangkok
The IKI Thailand Cooperation Workshop is an annual event organised by the CCMB project as part of its role as the IKI Interface Project for Thailand. The workshop contributes to strengthening collaboration among IKI stakeholders and supports Thailand’s efforts to address climate change and biodiversity loss.
Complementing the annual workshop, the IKI Learning Forum offers a digital platform for ongoing knowledge exchange and capacity building among the IKI community in Thailand and beyond. Through webinars and online resources, the forum facilitates discussions on emerging climate and biodiversity challenges, promotes best practices, and strengthens networks among IKI stakeholders.
IKI Learning Forum, a digital platform for ongoing knowledge exchange and capacity building among the IKI community in Thailand and beyond.
About the International Climate Initiative (IKI)
Since 2008, the German Federal Government has supported international climate and biodiversity action through the International Climate Initiative (IKI). Thailand is one of IKI’s focus countries, and the IKI Thailand Interface Project, implemented by GIZ, facilitates cooperation among IKI implementing organisations, political partners, and the German government. The IKI of the German Federal Government plays a pivotal role in financing international climate action, forest conservation, and biodiversity protection worldwide.
Overarching priorities and prioritised fields of action in the IKI funding areas. (IKI, 2024)
About IKI Thailand Interface by CCMB Project
The IKI-funded Climate, Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Project (CCMB), implemented by GIZ Thailand from 2022 to 2027, has been designated as the IKI interface for Thailand. Aligned with the three main pathways of decarbonisation, climate resilience, and nature-positive development, the project serves as a platform for connecting relevant agencies in developing Thailand’s climate policies to achieve the national targets of carbon neutrality, biodiversity conservation, and climate resilience by 2050, and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2065.
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Contact IKI Thailand Interface: IKI-Thailand@giz.de
The Independent Complaint mechanism of IKI (IKI ICM)
IKI ICM follows established international good practice of other accountability mechanisms associated in the Independent Accountability Mechanism Network. Its procedure is based on Germany’s human rights treaty obligations as well as standards such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Your opinion is valued, and your personal rights are respected. In adherence with IKI policy, we are committed to the principles of inclusivity, gender equity, the fair representation of marginalized groups as well as environmental protection. If you witness or experience any negative social and/or environmental impact from IKI projects, please contact iki-complaints@z-u-g.org
Learn more about IKI ICM: Independent Complaint Mechanism | Internationale Klimaschutzinitiative (IKI) (international-climate-initiative.com)