April 1992 – June 2003
In 1992 the Material Properties Analysis and Development Centre (MPAD) was founded as division of the Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR).
Services offered by TISTR/MPAD expanded during the project’s time frame: while in the beginning the focus laid on offering services concerning material properties analysis for the metal-working industry, in the later stages services offered by the institute also included failure analysis and advisory services to enterprises in different industrial sectors (e.g. food processing, chemical industry, energy and transport sector).
The Thai-German TC-project supported the development of the institution not only through technical advisory services, but also by the procurement of equipment and the promotion of business development and marketing functions.
The establishment of the MPAD and its promotion – especially with the focus on providing services for Thai SMEs and therewith enhancing their competitiveness in the international market – was in line with both Thai and German government policies. A high degree identification with the project and the commitment of all stakeholders involved have to be key determinants of the activities’ success.
At the end of the project’s time frame, MPAD’s three laboratories (Material Properties Analysis Laboratory, Material Performance Analysis Laboratory, Material Properties Development Laboratory) and its corrosion technology department were offering a wide range of services to the Thai industry (especially SMEs). Today MPAD is sharing its expertise and experience to support the promotion of COMFA, Hanoi, within the framework of Trilateral Cooperation.