Organised by SNRD Asia (Sector Network Natural Resources and Rural Development Asia) and TUEWAS (Sector Network Transport, Environment, Energy and Water in Asia), both GIZ internal units that aim to promote peer-learning, the conference is expected to bring together more than 300 GIZ staff to discuss how to best leverage the potential of the digital world, particularly within the framework of field implementation and enhancing impacts.
The highlights of the conference, which has as its slogan “Going Digital: Unleashing the Potential for SNRD Asia and TUEWAS”, will include sharing of exemplary digital solutions within GIZ, as well as those of other international organisations.
It is not just GIZ, or indeed Germany that has been embracing the digital revolution; the host country too is benefitting from investment in the digital agenda.
Through its “Thailand 4.0” policy, the Thai government is hoping to transform the country’s economy from labor-based to value-added services by investing in Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and other embedded technologies.