
Stakeholders' Meeting on Energy Data Analysis in Thailand
In order to ensure the achievement in implementing of Energy Efficiency Development Plan (EEDP) and...
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Community-Based Renewables: Thai-German Cooperation on Sustainable Energy Development
Community-Based Renewables: Thai-German Cooperation on Sustainable Energy Development
Community-based approaches for renewable energy are becoming more and more popular globally. Thailand has been...
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Green Public Procurement (GPP) Workshop
Green Public Procurement (GPP) Workshop
The GPP workshop was successfully organized during 28 -29 Aug, 2013. The overall objective of...
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Introductory Workshop - NAMA: Conceptual Framework and Development
Introductory Workshop - NAMA: Conceptual Framework and Development
NAMA is a voluntary measure for mitigating GHG emissions, which was firstly introduced in the...
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Newsletter of Bangkok-based projects by GIZ and partners Issue #25
Newsletter of Bangkok-based projects by GIZ and partners Issue #25
On February 12, 2013, under the umbrella of Lao-Thai-German Trilateral Cooperation, GIZ and the Thailand...
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Study Trip on Energy Efficiency in Buildings to Germany
Study Trip on Energy Efficiency in Buildings to Germany
During 16-22 June 2013, engineers, architectures and representatives active in the field of energy from...
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Seminar on Standard Offer Programme (SOP)
Seminar on Standard Offer Programme (SOP)
Energy efficiency has been an important part of Thailand’s energy policy framework since the approval...
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Renewable Energy Asia 2013
Renewable Energy Asia 2013
The Renewable Energy Asia 2013, one of Asia’s largest fairs for renewable energy technologies, took...
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Regional Networking Workshop on Green Public Procurement and Eco-labelling
Regional Networking Workshop on Green Public Procurement and Eco-labelling
During 1 - 2 May 2013, a Regional Networking Workshop on Green Public Procurement and...
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