FINISHED on 3 August 2015
Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) patterns constitute an essential building block of a low-carbon economy. Access to credible, reliable and ‘user-friendly’ sustainability information is one of the essential conditions for the shift towards SCP. The project will contribute to the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on SCP (10YFP), more specifically to the Consumer Information Programme.
Advance SCP aims at increased awareness, institutional support and technical capacities to develop and strengthen sustainability information policies and tools for sustainable and low carbon consumption and production patterns. The project will further support the creation of a market for climate-friendly products which will lead to less pollution of the environment. Regional and global trade and investments are promoted through the harmonisation of eco-labels. Through the mediation of knowledge dissemination, access to training and further education, countries are enabled to generate new jobs and eco-friendly products to increase their competiveness. Public authorities gain lower life-cycle-costs of purchased services and products.
To integrate climate friendly criteria into the eco-labels (Type I) of the target countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines) and improve mutual recognition of the eco-labels in the Southeast Asian region.
The project supports target groups in the target countries in the following areas:
- Integration and collaboration on climate-friendly criteria of eco-labels (Type I).
- Capacity development and awareness-raising for governments and certifiers.
- Development of recommendations of economic, financial or tax incentives for Green Public Procurement/Eco-labels with particular view to reach out to business.
- Development of proposals for integrating social aspects in GPP/eco-labels in the focal countries.
- Identifying opportunities to develop SCP related Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs).
- Fostering South-South exchange and peer-to-peer learning.
Green Public Procurement (GPP) and Eco-labelling are important instruments to increase sustainable consumption and production and at the same time contribute directly to reduce GHG emissions. Recently, these instruments have gained more and more importance in the region. Some countries have already started to implement GPP and eco-labelling, yet the levels of implementation are different across the countries because of various factors: lack of GPP supporting policies, legal framework and requirements, public awareness, availability of existing systems such as the use of eco-labelling as a means for development of GPP criteria.
According to situations in target countries, the project together with relevant agencies will strengthen GPP and Eco-labelling mechanism in each country and gear the region toward green economy.
The activities focus on strengthening institutions, technical training courses, knowledge transfer and drafting integrated policy solutions. In this regard, the project will identify options for nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs), and get these off the ground.
Regional level (South East Asia):
– Development of climate friendly criteria for 20 products and services among 4 countries.
– Singing of MRAs between Thailand and Malaysia and MOU on Common Criteria on Printers and Copies between Thailand and Japan.
– Reginal Capacity Building on Measuring Carbon Emission of Non-Electrical Products and Life Cycle Costing for Construction Works.
– Development of NAMA Proposals.
– Development of Pilots for Incentives Implementation.
– Development of the promotion for Green Public Procurement (GPP) and criteria for climate-friendly products.
– Development of NAMA proposal from the potential lists on Smart Building Initiative and Vertically Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management.
– Strengthen of the Government Green Procurement (GGP) implementation and promoting ecolabelling scheme among government ministries and industries.
– Development of NAMA proposal from the potential lists on Energy Efficiency Buildings and Government Green Procurement.
– Fostering awareness among consumers and capacity building for industries and businesses on eco-friendly products and eco-labels.
– Development and strengthen eco-labelling and expansion green public procurement.
– Development of NAMA proposal from the potential lists on Selected Household and Office Appliances and Green Public Procurement.
– Strengthen of the Green Public Procurement National Action Plan and encourage governmental units in implementing GPP.
– Development of NAMA proposal from the potential lists on Green Supply Chain and Energy Performance Certification Scheme (EPCS).
– Development of GPP Database and Website for governors, manufacturers, and end-users.
– Development of a Sustainable Public Procurement National Action Plan and NAMA proposal for Sustainable Public Procurement
– Development of a National Ecolabelling Framework
– Development of a database on ecolabels available in the local market and evaluation of producers (to support 10YFP Trust Fund project ‘Product Sustainability App’)
– Support the access to environmental certifications for the forest coffee sector.
– Implement an existing NAMA proposal for Afforestation, Reforestation
and Agroforestry.
– Education on sustainable livelihoods and consumption for young consumers. Includes the adaptation of the YouthXChange – Africa training kit to the local context, working with school environment clubs.
– Development of an environmental label for the tourism sector
– Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) for the tourism sector
*Additional activities co-funded by the Ministry of Tourism:
– Development of an environmental label for restaurants and sustainable transport activities in the tourism sector
– Development of Guidelines on “Tourism and Climate Change”
– Development of Life Cycle Inventory data for refineries, hydroelectric power plants and landfills and a National Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment (EIO-LCA) database
– Application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and development of environmental profiles and sustainability criteria for 3 products prioritised for Sustainable Public Procurement
– Update/strengthening of existing NAMA for the Energy and/or Waste sector.
Project results (last updated June 2017):
– Publication of report on “Integrating Energy Efficiency into the 10YFP” in collaboration with the 10YFP Secretariat and the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency.
– Morocco: Environmental label for hotels presented at COP22 event “Solutions for Sustainable Tourism” by the Ministry of Tourism of Morocco in partnership with BetterFly Tourism.
– Continuous support to global outputs of the 10YFP Consumer Information Programme (CI-SCP): White paper on the communication of the social impacts of products, Guidelines for providing product sustainability information, Methodological framework on conducting hotspots analysis on product and sector level and Guidance for communicating hotspots.
– GPP fundamental procedures which include the tender preparation and evaluation, and the matter of Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) which had been trained to Indonesian, Malaysian, Philippino, and Thai Government Procurers during the training conducted by Oeko Institute through the project initiatives.
– In promoting Eco-Labelling scheme to the industries, the project is fully support in developing 20 criteria documents which are:
1) Refurbished Toner Cartridges
2) Passenger Cars
3) Taps and Shower Heads
4) Projectors
5) LED Lighting
6) Chiller
7) Data Centre
8) Small Electric Fan
9) Textile
10) Fibre Cements
11) Toilet Paper
12) Record Books
13) Computer Monitors
14) Refrigerators and Freezers
15) Heavy Duty Plastic Furniture
16) Catering Service
17) Transportation Service (for government agencies)
18) E-waste Management Service
19) Cement
20) Recycle content in Electrical Appliance Products
The criteria documents are developing and expected to be established by the end of 2017. With these documents establishment, the industries will be encouraged to certify their products accordingly and participate in GGP/GPP implementation.
The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
07/2015 – 06/2018